7/27/01-tru 7/28/01-I started my site!
7/29/01-site nearing completion added monkey waldo.
7/30/01-I finished my site so all you monkeys could see it!
4/16/02-little confession to make based on dates i forgot about this site for around 9 months... ...crap
4/17/02-added Human Cloneing
4/18/02-replaced Chat room with message board & added game page
4/19/02-re-added Chat room Under The wispers of the weird
4/20/02-added The sane side
4/30/02-Added on to Expanding knowledge
6/17/02-Added on to Epanding Knowlege
Added-Expanding Knowledge's sequil World doimation.
Added-SanesSide evil twin Pyrotechnics
6/21/02 -took off worddomiation due to controvesrail issues and re-named it Im in business but NAVIGATION BAR HAS NOT CHANGED
12/I dunno/02- as you can see im renovating and destroying the site
it just dosnt reprisent me anymore (spelling freaks F*ck off) and i need a new start. their will be a new sit not to worry but theirs not much left here... oh well enjoy what you can.